sábado, agosto 21, 2010


Choose life. Choose a job.
Choose a career, a family.
Choose a fucking big TV.
Choose washing machines,
cars, compact disc players.
Choose good health.
Low cholesterol
and dental insurance.
Choose mortgage repayments.
Choose a home.
Choose your friends!
Choose leisurewear
and matching luggage.
Choose a three-piece suite
on hire purchase!
Wondering who the fuck
you are on a Sunday morning.
Choose watching mind-numbing,
spirit-crushing game shows.
Stuffing fucking junk food
into your mouth.
'Choose rotting away
at the end,
'in a miserable home,
'nothing more
than an embarrassment
'to the brats you've spawned.
'Choose your future.
'Choose life(!)'

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Putz, este trecho sempre me deixa meio deprê. Num sei pq...

Bete Feitosa disse...

até que enfim assistiu hein?

Pinecone Stew disse...

Suuuuuper movie!!!

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